About us
It’s a great pleasure to be able to extend a very warm welcome to you.
Cottingham Road Baptist Church is a lively, friendly congregation that is blessed to be drawn from all walks of life, all ages and multi-national. We share one common bond, the fact that we believe that God came into the world He created in Jesus, who lived, died and rose again in order that we may know forgiveness, new life and the power for really living. We believe that the Christian message is Good News for everyone, and together we’re discovering more about the difference Jesus makes in the world and within our community and lives.
We are fortunate to have our own building on the junction of Cottingham Road and Chanterlands Avenue, Hull. From here we host our Sunday services, as well as many mid-week groups.
We know how hard that first visit to a new place can be, even for the seasoned Christian looking for somewhere new to worship, but our prayer is that you will find us open and accepting, no matter who you are or where you have come from.
Whether as a believer yourself or as someone just looking or wanting to know more, please feel free to come as you are, to be yourself and enjoy the company of fellow travellers on the road with Jesus Christ (the only one who is perfect and has it all sorted out!).
We look forward to welcoming you in person in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, hope and life.

What we believe...
"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory."
We believe in the supremacy of one Holy, sovereign God; revealed to all humanity as Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
We believe that no one is perfect, yet all are loved by God and that He desires the very best for us all. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means anyone who calls on His name can know the forgiveness of God, fulfil their potential, and enjoy eternal life.
We believe in the transforming work of the Holy Spirit of God in the lives of believers; gifting, empowering and equipping us all for service in Christ's name.
We believe in the supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ, the divine inspiration of the Bible and the personal return of Jesus Christ coming with authority over all.
We believe that Believers’ Baptism is a symbol of Jesus’ claim on our lives, proclaiming that we have died to self and live for Christ. It is a blessing that comes from being obedient to Christ's command.
We believe in a believers’ church which understands itself as a community of the faithful gathered in the name of Jesus Christ, for worship, witness, fellowship and service; to continue Christ's ministry in the world.
What do I need to know about a Sunday service?
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable. You don't need to dress up, but please do wear clothes!
Where can I park?
We have on-site parking, however there is parking on Chanterlands Ave and Barrington Avenue which is free on a Sunday.
What happens?
Often we start all together so we can sing, reflect and pray as a whole family. The children can then go to their own groups if they want. We then typically have a time of prayer before hearing a passage from the Bible. Someone will then help us reflect upon what we have just heard and think about how it applies to us today.
Do I need money?
No. We often will take up an offering to support the work in our Church as well as other charities. But please do not feel under any obligation to give, it is great to have you worshipping with us.